Consider Your Ways: Part 2
Haggai speaks four messages that give us a greater understanding as to what it means to consider your ways. Haggai gives a heart-to-heart talk with God’s people. He uses the word Consider five times in the short two chapter writing.
The temple was the visual sign of the glory and presence of God.
- Tabernacle in the Wilderness
- 1st Temple built by Solomon
- Destroyed by the Babylonians
Can’t miss this application for us today:
Galatians 1:21 – Paul said that others glorified God in him. His salvation was evident by his changed life, and people gave glory to God.
1 Corinthians 6:19 – Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
1 Peter 2:5 – We are lively stones, are built up a spiritual house
Eph 2:20 – Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone
The Supremacy of Christ Demands the Centrality of Christ.
Haggai Adjusts their Priorities because They were Distracted.
- Regarding God’s House
- Regarding God’s Presence
- Regarding God’s Glory
Haggai Changes their Perspective because They were Discouraged.
- Gives them a Divine Perspective
- Gives them a Spiritual Perspective
- Gives them a Prophetic Perspective
Haggai Reminds them of God’s Promise because They were Defiled.
- A Cleansing Promise
- A Conditional Promise
- Covenant Promise
Haggai Proclaims God’s Prophecy because They were Defeated
- Future Judgment on the Nations
- Future Victory for God’s People
- Future Exaltation of the King
Pastor Bob Johnson
Spiritual Development
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