Listen to the newest episode of the Beyond the Pulpit Podcast!

There is one message that can never be compromised and that is the message of the Gospel. No matter what else does not get done the central theme must remain the central focus of our efforts as ministers of media. The big picture in our worship tech ministry is all about seeing Jesus.


Learn how to operate the various audio consoles used in our worship service, live stream broadcast, and special events. We have qualified trainers and resources available for beginners through the advanced levels. 


Learn how to operate the presentation software used to project the lyrics, scripture, sermon notes, and videos used in our worship service, live stream broadcast, and special events. We have qualified trainers and resources available for beginners through the advanced levels.


Learn how to operate the various lighting consoles used in our worship services and special events. We have qualified trainers and resources available for beginners through the advanced levels.


Learn how to operate the production cameras and robotic cameras used in our worship services and special events. We have qualified trainers and resources available for beginners through the advanced levels.


Learn how to operate the various broadcast equipment used in our worship service, live stream broadcast, and special events. We have qualified trainers and resources available for beginners through the advanced levels. The positions include video switching, audio mixing, robotic cameras controls, showing lower third and graphics on our broadcast, broadcast producer, cue prompter, social media platforms live monitoring.

Download this detailed PDF to catch a glimpse of our Tech Team and what it does behind the scenes at FBCGE, and how you can be a part of this vital ministry!


If you would like to join the Tech Team, we invite you to fill in and submit the online form below. We will be in touch with you soon!

Tech Team Signup



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