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Ladies Ministry

Lorra Johnson & Tiffany Block

At First Baptist Church we seek to see women come to know the Lord as personal Savior and grow in their walk with Him. The lives of women today tend to be hectic and complex. As a church we hope to lighten the load, encourage the hearts of women, and help build lasting relationships.

Always in Our Hearts Ministry

This is a new ministry for any mom who has lost a baby to miscarriage or still birth. If you have walked through this grief in the past or are walking through it right now, this is a ministry for you to get involved in. We are praying that this ministry will help moms have a community to love them through this hard time of loss and remember their precious babies that have gone on to heaven.

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Ladies Mentoring Program

Ladies are paired together with one who has known the Lord longer and is eager to assist a lady who is newer in the faith.  The mentoring is designed to provide a safe place for ladies to help, encourage, and instruct each other in marriage, parenting, and other areas of life.  Focused on the Word of God, you will find a place where you can mentor or be mentored by godly ladies.

Mentor Moms

Mentor Moms meet in the fall and spring on select Friday mornings.  Each of these special meeting times includes a small group with breakfast, Bible study, fellowship time, and prayer for our families. At the heart of this ministry is moms walking alongside other moms in our parenting journey and growing together in our walk with the Lord. Childcare is provided. 

Secret Prayer Pal Ministry

A year long commitment to pray for specific requests of another lady, surprise her with cards and gifts to encourage her monthly. The Secret Prayer Pal program kick-offs in January. 

Precept Women's Bible Study

Updated: March 25, 2025

The book of "Philippians" Tuesday, April 8-May 20 7:00-8:30 p.m. led by Tabitha Davis. Disappointment, pain, betrayal, and loss are circumstances that are often a part of life; yet, God's presence and His promises are there.  Learn what God's Word tells us about how we can bear all things and overcome through Christ who strengthens us. Class size is limited to 12. Cost $10 payable first day of class. Contact Tabitha 513-806-8083 for questions.

"Lord, Teach Me to Pray" Tuesday, April 8-May 20 led by Gwen Helvey 9:30-11:00 a.m. and Sheri Meyers Tuesday 6:30-8:00     p.m. Do you ever feel unsure of how to communicate with God in prayer? Learn to pray God's way, according to His Word.  Cost is $14.00 payable first day of class.  Class size limited to 18. Sign up for any class at the Registration Desk.  Contact Gwen Helvey 513-491-1012 or Sheri Meyers at 847-732-4673 for questions. 

Come be a part of other activities our Ladies Ministry organizes for you:
  • Ladies' Night Out
  • Picnic in the Park
  • Ladies Conferences
  • Ladies Retreats
  • Craft/Vendor Fair
  • Quilting Ministry