Listen to the newest episode of the Beyond the Pulpit Podcast!

A Class Just For You

Sundays, 9:00 & 10:30am

At First Baptist Church, our Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) classes offer a welcoming environment where you can connect with others in similar life stages. These small groups provide support, encouragement, and prayer while diving into God’s Word with skilled teachers. Visit the Welcome Center to find a class that fits you, and experience meaningful fellowship in your spiritual journey.




Here at First Baptist Church, we believe the greatest ministry for accomplishing the mission of the Great Commission is the Adult Bible Fellowship. Moving people from the worship service to an ABF class is essential to optimize the opportunity to make disciples. As the greatest ministry here at First Baptist, we need to be intentional and organized as a TEAM. To do so, we have a strategy and a structure for the ABF TEAM Ministry that will unify us to accomplish the mission of First Baptist Church.

Every team needs a strategy. A strategy is a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. The word “TEAM” provides us with this strategy. Our strategy is to see God TRANSFORM lives, EXHORT one another to good works, ASSIMILATE everyone into ministry, and MULTIPLY as classes and leaders.


We have the privilege of watching God transform lives! 2 Corinthians 3:18 says believers are changed into the image of God’s Son, reflecting the glory of God. We are also instructed in Romans 12:2 to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. God’s Word transforms us from the inside out by the work of the Holy Spirit.

Emphasizing the teaching of God’s Word in every class is essential to see hearts changed and lives transformed by the power of God. God uses His Word to transform His people for His glory. Therefore, teaching God’s Word is intentional because life transformation is essential.

The ABF classes allow people to grow in their faith and be challenged in their walk with the Lord. As classes, learning God’s Word together and living for God together is an essential part of the Christian life.


The word “exhort” means to encourage or urge someone to do something strongly. Hebrews 3:13 instructs believers to exhort one another daily. We all need encouragement and urging to live for the Lord. ABF class should be a place where believers exhort one another unto good works. Hebrews 10:24 reminds us as the church to provoke one another unto love and to good works. ABF class is a place for people to connect, have fellowship, build relationships, and encourage one another.

As a TEAM, we need to exhort one another to grow, serve, give, and live for the Lord. Teams that push each other to excel have a much better chance to reach their goals. The mission we have from God is too important to fail. Therefore, we must exhort each other to excel in all that we do for the Lord.


Assimilating people into the mission of the church is vital to the life of the church. The church is organic; it’s a living entity that changes and grows. The church is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry. Integrating people into the culture of the church happens when people serve.

The ABF TEAM needs to assimilate people into the life of the church by getting everyone serving somehow or somewhere in the church. Jesus came not to be ministered unto but to minister and give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). The ABF class is a great place for people to serve and provides a catalyst for serving in the church.


It should be the desire and hard work of every class to multiply: classes birth classes, teachers train teachers, and group leaders produce group leaders. The job of every class is to reach people, train people, and start new classes.

The ABF TEAM must be committed to multiplying. It must fight against the “us four and no more” mentality. It must be careful of complacency and being comfortable with the ways things are. Classes cannot be content to remain status quo. They must seek to reach people, teach people, and minister to people.