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The other class leaders help each class function and grow. To be efficient and effective, every class should try to fill each of the class leadership roles. The goal is to get many people involved, and these leadership roles give opportunities for more class members to serve.


The Adult Bible Fellowship is much more than a teaching ministry. It is the greatest ministry for accomplishing the church's mission, “to know Christ and make Him known.” This means every class must be properly managed to experience growth. If a church is going to grow effectively, it must recognize that the Adult Bible Fellowship is the greatest tool to accomplish this goal.

The Class Manager is responsible for overseeing the structure of the class. This means they are responsible for overseeing the group leaders, ensuring everyone in the class is assigned to a group. The class manager also motivates and mobilizes the class to reach out to new people to enroll.

The Class Manager is responsible for seeing that the class is effectively ministering to those in the class and reaching out to those outside the church. They are the primary leader of the evangelism and ministry segments of the class. 

Depending on the size of the class, some classes may not have a Class Manager. In this instance, the teacher absorbs the responsibilities of the class manager.

Class Manager Responsibilities

  • Maintain a growing relationship in Christ through prayer, the study of God’s Word, and worship.
  • Organize & administrate the outreach program of the class.
  • Assign prospects to Group Leaders for contact during the week.
  • Assign new class members to Group Leader groups.
  • Arrive 15 minutes early and warmly greet your members and guests as they arrive.
  • Fill out the Contact Form reporting information regarding class members or visitors. This form is found at fbcge.org/abfcontactform and is essential for communicating with the front office.
  • Attend the scheduled TEAM meetings.
  • Be faithful to the church services.


Remember, part of success is being organized; therefore, every class needs a Class Secretary! The Class Secretary is responsible for taking Sunday morning attendance and turning it in on time. Their role is vital to the smooth operation of our church!

Proper record-keeping in every Adult Bible Fellowship class is a must. Unless there are accurate records kept in the class, such as visitors, absentees, names, addresses, and phone numbers, the ministry of reaching and caring cannot and will not be effective. Statistics are important because every number is a soul. The Class Secretary plays a vital role and links the Adult Bible Fellowship class to the church office.

Class Secretary Responsibilities

  • Arrive early to class.
  • Give the SS Announcements located in the class folder to the Teacher (or whoever makes announcements).
  • Greet visitors & assist them in filling out the visitor form with accurate & complete information.
  • Encourage prospects to enroll in the class. Assist them in filling out the enrollment card with accurate & complete information.  Be sure to include their birthdates.
  • Take attendance by using the roster in your class folder. Mark the total attendance on the monthly attendance page in the front of the folder on the appropriate date.
  • You are the link between the church office & the Group Leaders in your class. Distribute any papers that are in your SS folder to the appropriate people.
  • Give the names of any chronic absentee members to your Class Manager (or any other information regarding absentees you feel they should be aware of).
  • Turn the class folder into the appropriate place immediately after class, ensuring all forms have been put back into the front pocket with the completed attendance.
Prayer Captain

The primary purpose of the Prayer Captain is to emphasize prayer in the Sunday School class and keep the class informed of prayer needs. The Prayer Captain collects and organizes prayer requests and shares the requests with the class for prayer.

The Prayer Captain must keep the class moving by not spending too much time collecting verbal requests. It’s wise to have a way people can submit prayer requests via email, text, etc. The purpose of this is to speed up the process of taking prayer requests during the Sunday School hour. The Prayer Captain is also responsible for organizing a prayer chain in the class for special prayer needs.

Prayer Captain Responsibilities

  • Collect prayer requests via text, email, prayer cards, etc.
  • Lead in prayer in class when asked by the Teacher.
  • Pray for the requests of the class.
  • Make a weekly prayer sheet (optional).
  • Organize a prayer chain in the class for special prayer needs.
Organize & lead Cottage Prayer meetings when asked by the Teacher.
Activity Director

The Class Activity Director is responsible for planning, coordinating, and conducting class social events for their class. Adult Bible Fellowship activities provide an excellent opportunity for fellowship and reaching out to others. Every Believer in Christ desperately needs the interaction of fellow Christians. Therefore, the Class Activity Director should plan a mixture of fun activities and outreach activities.

Class Activity Director Responsibilities

  • Plan, coordinate, and lead all class social events.
  • Check the activity and date with the church calendar before promoting with the class.
  • Encourage get-acquainted activities within your Sunday class.
  • Special emphasis should be given to social events geared toward reaching out to unchurched or unsaved people.
Missions Director

The Missions Director is the link between the church and the missionaries supported by the church. Knowing missionaries on a personal level is an encouragement both to the missionary and the class. The goal is to have each class “adopt” several missionary families. The Missions Director can share updates with the class, ask the class to write letters or emails, and send the missionaries birthday and Christmas cards or gifts.

Class Missions Director Responsibilities

  • Select a few missionary families supported by First Baptist to adopt as a class.
  • Give the class missionary updates when received from the adopted missionaries.
  • Promote the missionary’s Facebook, website, or other social media platforms.
  • Communicate with the missionary families regularly.
  • Lead the class in praying for the missionary families.
  • Lead the class in writing and sending care packages to the missionary families.
Food Coordinator

Providing food for the class is not necessary, but it’s certainly nice to have. The Food Coordinator schedules class members to bring breakfast for the class. Larger classes may want to have several class members bring breakfast. The Food Coordinator should remind class members who are scheduled to bring breakfast. They should also make sure the classroom is cleaned up after class, especially if another class uses the same room.

Class Food Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Supply a sign-up sheet for the class to volunteer to bring breakfast.
  • Schedule class members to bring breakfast for the class.
  • Remind class members when it’s their turn to provide breakfast for the class.
  • Replenish supplies such as plates, utensils, napkins, and cups found in the supply closet.
  • Clean up after class, especially if another class uses the room.

Having people assigned to greet at the classroom door creates a friendly welcome. The classroom atmosphere is vital to the overall spirit of the class. Having Greeters contributes to the class atmosphere and communicates a caring spirit. Greeters should welcome visitors to the class and introduce those visitors to other class members.

Class Greeters Responsibilities

  • Arrive 15 minutes early to class.
  • Stand at the doorway and welcome everyone to the class.
  • Welcome visitors and introduce them to other class members.
  • Hand out prayer sheets, class notes, or other materials as people enter the class.
  • Smile and be friendly.
Bulletin Board Director

Most classes have at least one bulletin board. Bulletin boards are great places to post pictures, highlight upcoming activities, or convey important truths. The Bulletin Board Coordinator should keep the board fresh and updated.

Class Bulletin Board Director Responsibilities

  • Keep the bulletin board updated and fresh.
  • Decorate the bulletin board to highlight major church events like the Missions Conference or seasonal themes like Christmas or Easter.
  • Hang pictures of class activities or class members.