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FBCGE Kid's Ministry

Pastor Tim Block | Children's Pastor


Watch VBS Highlight Reel



Our Children's Ministry Philosophy

Our ministry goal for FBC Kids is to partner with families to train children to know the truth (2 Timothy 3:15), grow in grace (2 Peter 3:18), and show the love of Christ (John 13:34).

Sunday Programs


Nursery is provided for infants through 2-year-olds during all our services. Our nursery rooms and classrooms are staffed by carefully screened workers that serve the Lord by giving of their time, energy and love to care for children. Our rooms are equipped with age-appropriate toys, books and other equipment necessary to teach and care for children. 

Sunday School
Junior Church
Super Church

Wednesday Program

Olympians & Gopher Buddies

Click here to register for Olympians/Gopher Buddies

OLYMPIANS is the FBC KIDS Program for Wednesday nights. Olympians is a school year program designed for children ages 4 (by September 1st) through 6th grade.
Olympians and Gophers (4 & 5-year-olds) meet *Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM for an exciting time of Bible teaching, training and learning to use God’s Word in everyday life. Each clubber receives a Quiet Time Journal and a backpack that is age-appropriate to help them grow in their relationship with God.  The yearly cost for the materials is $35.

 *Nursery is provided for infants – 3 years old for parents that are attending service.

There are also several special nights throughout the year like Fascar, and Carnival Night.

Ages in clubs are as follows:

  • 4 and 5-year-olds- Gopher Club
  • 1-2 Grades - Challengers
  • 3-4 Grades - Conquerors
  • 5-6 Grades - Champions

For additional information stop by the Welcome Center, or contact Pastor Tim at 

Upward Basketball and Cheerleading

Upward basketball and cheerleading is a league on a mission to develop every athlete mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially with the overall goal of producing players who excel on and off the court. 


Find Out More about Upward

KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In

At First Baptist, the safety and security of your children are very important.  That’s why we’ve chosen KidCheck as our children’s check-in solution to bring you the best check-in experience and to allow us to partner with you to keep your children safe. Every family and every Children's Ministry volunteer will need to set up a KidCheck account which is fast and easy. Attachments are provided for you to make this transition easy.

If you haven’t already created your free account, please do so by going to and selecting “Create Your KidCheck Account”. Or download the KidCheck Mobile App from the App Store or Google Play Store to create, manage, and update your account right on your mobile device. Here are a few things to remember when creating your account.

  1. If you are a volunteer (worker), we will approve you after you have set up your account.
  2. When adding children, please be sure to complete all the information about each child.
  3. Make sure you choose “First Baptist Church of Glen Este” for the Organization.
  4. Only type in the Allergy box IF your child has an allergy. Children with allergies will have a different style name tag for easy recognition.
  5. Make sure you allow texting and save the changes.
  6. Add anyone you would like to authorize to check in or check out your children. You only need one account for your family.     

Creating your account helps us have a smooth transition and helps your first check-in go more quickly so you can get on your way.  We also have trained people who can help you set up an account at a Kiosk.

Once you’ve created your account, simply use your 10 digit phone number to check-in with us at a kiosk. The Kiosk will print the labels needed for each child along with a Guardian Receipt which is used for picking up your child. You can choose to print multiple labels if needed.

Each time you check-in, you will receive a random code printed on each label. This means that the code on the Guardian Receipt will match the code on the child’s labels (just like the tags do now).

Additionally, we’re excited to share we will be using KidCheck Express Check-In, which allows you to check-in right from your own phone – no waiting in line, no check-in station! You will need to check-in for the first time with your 10 digit phone number at a check-in station. Then after that, you can use Express Check-In, using these few simple steps:

1.  Download the KidCheck App (as noted above)
2.  Start check-in on your phone – from home, the car, the parking lot…
3.  Complete check-in upon arrival by tapping the green submit button on your phone
4.  Pick up your printed name tag and guardian receipt labels


All FBC Kids volunteers must pass a background check before serving. To receive the link to submit your background check, please email Pastor Tim at